Aaron of "Growing Up In Scientology" Asks ...

Is the Landmark Forum a CULT?

May 31, 2024

Aaron Smith-Levin is the creator of the YouTube channel "Growing Up In Scientology". Aaron worked for the organization full-time, as a staff member and a Sea Org member, from age 12 to 26. He held various positions in Philadelphia, Clearwater and Los Angeles, all related to training Scientology auditors. Aaron left the Sea Organization in 2006 and officially left Scientology in early 2014. Since 2015, he has been educating the public about Scientology and exposing abuses within the organization. He is also a board member of The Aftermath Foundation which helps those who want to leave Scientology.

Aaron interviewed both myself (Anne Peterson) and former Landmark Centers Division Director Brian Nord, we are now 2 of 4 people speaking publicly about the dark side of Landmark Worldwide.  Aaron was generous with us as we are just at the beginning of sorting out the truth about Landmark's past, who and what it is today, and the negative impact it has had, especially for former Staff and Program leaders. 

You can watch both episodes here. 


Anne Peterson

Anne has spent 20+ years selling, producing and facilitating transformative programs for an international personal & professional growth & development company, Landmark Worldwide.

Since leaving, she has launched a business of her own dedicated to the safe and ethical practice of providing personal development.

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